Never Too Late to Be Loved: How One Couple Under Stress Discovered Intimacy and Joy
Never Too Late to Be Loved is an autobiography of the Last years of a marriage. As a terminal illness sabotages their retirement plans, the Barrs face their long and frightening battle against congestive heart disease. This poignant story includes the practical steps the Barrs took to save their relationship.
As a result, their last years together became beautiful. This account is delightfully candid and full of hilarious episodes from innocently involving a highway patrol officer in the illegal disposal of a deer to the husband's stupidity in the kitchen. Beneath this obvious theme, which holds the reader's attention from the first page, is another underlying story: a theological narrative. This is a story for all on a faith journey. It is a story of the ultimate intimacy, of being discovered and embraced by the Power who transcends every human life. This graceful book shows both the human and divine dimensions of forgiveness and promise.