Wizards, Hobbits, and Harry Potter
Help your family discern: harmless hocus-pocus or dangerous divination? A balanced Christian discussion guide for families. Book with bonus audio CD.
Are you hearing words like Muggle, Frodo, Hogwarts, and Gandalf around your house? Fantasy literature--and its big screen counterpart---is the buzz in classroom, boardroom, and living room. Finally, here are the tools to communicate openly and honestly with your children!
Educate yourself about the mysterious vocabulary and strange characters.
Go inside Harry Potter's world with author and youth worker, Connie Neal.
Uncover spiritual themes in "The Lord of the Rings" with Kurt Bruner of Focus on the Family.
Learn strategies for teaching discernment from FamilyLife president and ministry leader, Dennis Rainey.
Walk through Scriptures concerning magic and witchcraft.
Jumpstart discussions on spiritual truth and godliness with summaries, themes, and discussion guides.