Bird Dog: The Instinctive Training Method
Ben O. Williams has become legendary for his hard-charging, bold, and obedient hunting dogs. The training method he has developed over forty years consistently produces dogs that are friendly and affectionate, yet who also perform at the highest level of excellence in the field. And the best part is the Ben O. Williams Instinctive Method revealed in this book is not only easy, but fun for both owner and dog. Both a training manual and a bird philosophy, the heavily-illustrated Bird Dog reveals unique and timed-tested methods that cultivate a dog's desires and instincts to achieve upland hunting bliss, while also creating a loveable home companion. Williams is an acclaimed dog breeder, trainer, and outdoor writer who is the author of several books. He is a dog magazine columnist, and a member of the Orvis Wingshooting Advisory Board. He and his dogs have appeared on many outdoor television shows, including Gray's Sporting Journal.