Visual Basic 5 Interactive Course
Visual Basic 5 Interactive Course provides in-depth coverage, from the overview of the redesigned interface to the discussion of creating ActiveX controls to the explanation of the new MSCOMM control. Add your Internet connection to the mix, and you've got free access to the eZone-the innovative Web-based learning center from Waite Group Press-where you'll find additional resources. Find expert help from personal mentors, interactive quizzes for immediate feedback, dedicated discussion groups for interaction with other students, and even certification and optional Continuing Education Units (for a nominal fee). By the time you've finished the book's 132 clear, easy-to-follow lessons, you'll be able to create your own dynamic Visual Basic applications.
- Upon completion of this book, readers receive a certificate of achievement
- An online "mentor" answers your questions and helps you learn Visual Basic 5
- CD-ROM contains all examples for the book, full source code, and more