The Acting-Out Child: Coping With Classroom Disruption
Hill M. Walker's "The Acting-Out Child: Coping with Classroom Disruption" was a very interesting book. This informative book is mainly written for teachers or anyone who works with acting-out/disruptive children on a daily basis. The central thesis is, as Walker says, "The purpose of this book is to present a set of procedures for effectively managing the behavior of elementary age children who act out in classrooms and other school settings. This material, if mastered, will give teachers and other school support personnel working in regular, special and resource classrooms, as well as specialized educational environments the necessary skills to effectively manage the behavior of acting-out children as well as that of less disruptive children" (Walker ix). Walker's use of personal experiences dealing with children, his organization of the text and the practical applications to a teacher's daily classroom make this book a valuable source for current and future educators.