Grievance Guide
Learn how to effectively resolve management-employee disputes at the settlement stage and during arbitration by becoming familiar with the criteria and prior arbitration rulings that arbitrators rely on in resolving grievance issues.The easy-to-use Grievance Guide summarizes thousands of real-life arbitration awards to illustrate the factors arbitrators consider when ruling on management-employee disputes.Extensive Additions and Revisions! The updated Twelfth Edition has been extensively revised, with significant updates and changes to chapters on:Damaging Employer Property,Dishonesty and Theft,Electronic Communications and Computers,Family and Medical Leave New Chapter Health Care Benefits,Incentive Pay,Seniority,Smoking Restrictions,Subcontracting and Outsourcing,Work Hours and Schedules.The editors give you a complete picture, topic by topic, of the precedents and guidelines neutrals are using to address grievance issues today.Helpful overviews of the many topics covered in the guid