Directory of U.S. Labor Organizations, 2000 Supplement
Published annually & gleaned from extensive research & information the unions themselves have reported to the U.S. government, this is your ideal tool for quickly finding personal contacts, union locations, & other vital details. You get easy access to: * nearly 150 national & international union entries--with proper names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, & websites * names of nearly 2,500 elected officers & key staff--by office or department in each entry * publications & convention years for most organizations * lists of approximately 33,000 local affiliates, by state--with cities & local union numbers * charts showing union membership by state, union rankings by size, & union member rights/officer responsibilities * tables of union acronyms & common names * list of AFL-CIO headquarters, departments, state federations, & local offices--plus history, structure, & functions of the AFL-CIO & its Executive Council * membership & earnings figures compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics * three indexes--by union name, by abbreviation/acronym, & by listed name.