Brazilian Waxes, Lazy Ovaries, and Outrageous Orgasms: Embarrassing Questions and Sassy Answers on Women's Sexual Health
This up-to-date, extremely honest and sassy book demystifies the workings of the female body and reveals everything a woman needs to know about her sexual health.
Brazilian Waxes, Hellacious Cramps, and Outrageous Orgasms presents questions that many women find too embarrassing to ask their doctor (or even their girlfriends). The author then offers disarming, sometimes funny answers written as if the author was a close girlfriend. While the author's writing style may be light and chatty, she has spoken with leading health experts, read countless medical journals, and deciphered stacks of studies to provide the smartest sexual health advice possible.
There are detailed techniques for better, longer sex; helpful suggestions for specific medical conditions; questionnaires to test one's sexual knowledge; facts and tips; and practical advice and useful resources.