Hidden Montana 3 Ed
Since 96% of all visitors drive into the state, Hidden Montana carefully maps out the state's many highways and country roads while describing the adventures found along the way. Although losing the crowd isn't a problem in a state so big and wild, experienced and well-respected travel writer John Gottberg makes sure travelers find spots that suit their personal tastes, whether they be rustic campgrounds, historic alpine lodges, or cozy bed-and-breakfast inns. Truly two guides in one, Hidden Montana balances coverage of the state's timeless natural wonders and Old West historic attractions with a complete survey of the area's new adventure travel opportunities. He includes descriptions of 70 parks and wilderness areas and reviews Montana's best outdoor outfitters for river rafting, downhill skiing, cross country skiing, horseback riding and even pack trips. A walking tour of historic Helena and driving tours of Glacier National Park and the Beartooth highway are included.