Hidden Tahiti (Hidden Tahiti, 3rd ed)
Rob Kay is a successful travel writer who has lived, worked and traveled in Tahiti for more than 25 years. Rob has seen Tahiti grow up with tourism and knows its most popular beaches, most spectacular resorts and top attractions. He also knows that much of French Polynesia remains in an untouched state of tropical splendor. This guide is his invitation to discover the best of both worlds. Hidden Tahiti and French Polynesia fully details the Society Islands, dedicates full chapters to the Tuamotus, Australs, and Marquesas, and describes lodging choices ranging from 25 of the world's top resorts to 160 local fares and beach bungalow hotels. "Covers the gamut from Papeete (including where to get a Polynesian tattoo) to remote atolls." - USA Today