Love Letters, Lost
There now: have I made myself clear, and do you see between the lines that I love you very dearly and more constantly from day to day? I am going to turn in now and take this to town with me early tomorrow and tonight I will hug you very close to me and love you ever so much, Sweetie dear.
Fondly and affectionately,
Kenton (I do love you dear)
Love letters. Passionate, sad, ardent, goofy, serious, bittersweet, angry, tragic, frantic, embarrassing, and -- of course -- romantic. We've all written them at one time or another. Some were saved; some were tossed out (the nerve!). Love Letters, Lost is a collection of amorous letters whose fates were, alas, scattered to the wind. Salvaged from flea markets, garage sales, swap meets, and Internet auctions by Babbette Hines, author of our best-selling title Photobooth, they are here paired with vintage photographs of love-struck couples holding hands, laughing, smiling, dancing, and otherwise mugging for the camera.
In this age of generic email cards and text messaging, this beguiling little book reminds us of the simple beauty of an epistolary romance. And just in case you need a little help, Hines has included suggestions from a 1919 booklet on how to write your own letter of love. xoxo