Unix for Dummies
While popular attention focuses on Windows 95 and its Mac-like graphical user interface, UNIX (the world's least-intuitive operating system) hums in the background, its interface nothing more than a command line prompt awaiting cryptic commands, operators, switches, and arguments. Nevertheless, UNIX is by far the leading operating system of Internet and World Wide Web servers -- and is therefore a must-know for Webmasters and Web site developers. And UNIX is helpful-to-know for even casual Internet users who are taking advantage of Telnet, FTP, and other interface-indifferent areas of the Internet. This book provides a practical, easy-to-understand guide to UNIX for non-wireheads. In UNIX For Dummies, 2nd Edition, you can find answers to all your UNIX questions -- from how to set up and use the popular Linux implementation of UNIX to how to send and receive e-mail and post and read newsgroup messages with Pine. Best-selling authors John R. Levine and Margaret Levine Young even show you how to customize your UNIX shell and do things with Vi you thought possible only in a word processing program like Microsoft Word.