Atomic-Age Cthulhu: Tales of Mythos Horror in the 1950s (Chaosium Fiction)
...never before have we faced a global threat as dire as the atomic bomb. Humanity has always waged war, but now we can eradicate all life on the planet. Educational films promise survival of a nuclear blast. In movies, the classic monsters of the 30s and 40s are replaced by horrors spawned of the atom.
Enemies are everywhere, and there are dangers in our midst: devilish rock n roll, morally corrupt books, and sinister comic books corrupt the minds of our youth.
The dreaded Red Menace of Communism is poised to overthrow our government and strip-away all of our personal freedoms. Their comrades are everywhere and could be anyone, including your neighbor, your friend, or a member of your family. There are godless Communists spreading across the globe, and they must be stopped by any means necessary!
So here you have the world of Atomic-Age Cthulhu, bringing Lovecraftian horror to the postwar Golden Age.