Water from the Well
It often seems that life is more about struggle than joy, although we wish it otherwise. In fact, joy comes to punctuate the struggle and not the other way around. For in struggle there is growth, and in growth there is purpose. Rebbetzin Holly Pavlov Director of She'arim College of Jewish Studies for Women in Jerusalem uses every essay in this book as an opportunity to understand the pain of our generation and how we can rise above it. In these insightful essays, Rebbetzin Pavlov invites us to draw from the great well of Torah. Suddenly, our personal struggles become part of the unfolding story of the Jewish people. Seeing ourselves as part of the process of growth of the Jewish nation, as links in a chain that leads to the Messianic Era, will ease our way and enable us to bear our burdens with greater strength. This will bring us to a fuller awareness of G-d, a more profound love of Torah, and a true appreciation of each moment of life.