Riding Pistis
Fictional stories in unreal lands sometimes drive home the greatest applicable truths for our own reality, and in the most delightful way. Some have said of Riding Pistis, that it is the tale that grows on you; others have said it is the underlying truths that really compel through the story. Suppose you've hungered for principles of the Christian faith to come alive but don't find spiritual enrichment or theology books appealing. Suppose you wanted to expose your family to concepts that answer questions they face as Christians, but then there is the dryness of those sorts of books again. Riding Pistis is a creative Christian allegorical tale that has already served these purposes for some. It is youth friendly yet deep, silly at times yet grippingly urgent at others. It is a fun and unusual sort of story, full of applicable ah-ha moments, and loaded with faith deepeners, motive challengers, truth illuminators, and enticements into the heart of God. Some have said it is like reading C.S. Lewis stories, but with more tangible teaching embedded in it, not just allegorical pictures. Suppose faith was like a horse that could clearly traverse what your own two feet couldn't; would you get on and ride? Imagine the adventures beyond your own capabilities!