Gran Decorates
Step by step, easy to follow instructions with a color palette for each project to guide you successfully through every painting. Plus, patterns and color photos for each painting. Brimming with beautiful projects to paint. Ros Stallcup has painted a variety of landscapes, flowers and fruit in in her easy style. The flower projects include roses, trumpet vines, violets, daisies, hydrangeas and sunflowers on a variety of surfaces. A white flower cart in the grass spills over with a variety of flowers. There are Step by step color pages for fish, sunflowers & a hummingbird and trumpet vines. Landscapes include; Spring Garden Window looking through the window to the flower laced garden beyond. Winter Window looks from inside the window out to the snowy landscape. Mabry Mill is a calming landscape brimming with fall colors as the old watermill reflects into the water. Mountain Meadow looks out onto the distant hills, the foreground sprinkled with flowers We have included some of the projects in the book as you can see in the photos, plus MORE. Your going to love it!