The Madness of King George: Life and Death in the Age of Precision-Guided Insanity
Introduction by Monty Python member Terry Jones In a format of alternating text and cartoons, author Michael K. Smith (Portraits of Empire) and cartoonist Matt Wuerker deliver a comprehensive overview of the insane world of George W. Bush, and a close up of the -inmates at the White House Asylum—who run your country. You’ll meet Duct Tape Tom, whose vision for Homeland Security would scare even J. Edgar Hoover. And then there is the economy. If you aren’t rich, it -isn’t for you. Smith and Wuerker reveal that wealth is poverty, explaining why the rich need more tax cuts. But there’s something for everyone after all—we’re entrusting your grandma’s pension to the NASDAQ! The foreign policy section contains three parts: It’s a Snap! Americanizing The Middle East in Three Easy Step, Evildoers For Dummies The Anti-Missile Shield—Transcending the Fear of Initiating Nuclear War In a wry defense of HMOs, Smith and Wuerker show that sick people are the medical profession’s greatest threat. Special feature: "Heroes of Our Time: The Committee to Re-Select The President," with political profiles of: Richard Perle Paul Wolfowitz Dick Cheney Condoleezza Rice Colin Powell Donald Rumsfeld Karl Rove With incredible drawings by Matt Wuerker, this makes an ideal holiday gift from those who just can’t put into words how they feel about George.