Race to Incarcerate (The Sentencing Project)
As we enter a new century, Race to Incarcerate tells the chilling story of the unprecedented explosion in the prison population during the last twenty-five years. In "an important book [that] lays out convincing arguments" (The San Diego Union-Tribune), Marc Mauer, assistant director of The Sentencing Project, analyzes the main trends of America's war on drugs in the last two decades, showing how those policies have emphasized rigid control—through police and prisons—over drug treatment and economic development, resulting in a five-fold increase in the use of incarceration since 1973. Written in conjunction with the leading national organization monitoring American criminal-justice policies, Race to Incarcerate is an "informative—and often disturbing—glimpse of the US prison system and those it affects" (Black Issues Book Review).21 black-and-white charts and graphs.