How To Make Kitchen Cabinets: Build, Upgrade, and Install Your Own with the Experts at American Woodworker (Fox Chapel Publishing)
Shop tested expert advice for amateur woodworkers on how to build their own kitchen cabinets, and on how to make and install kitchen upgrades, culled from 35 articles that appeared in American Woodworker magazine, originally published between 1999 and 2010. American Woodworker has made its mark as the go to magazine for woodworkers building and installing built in cabinetry for kitchens and similar spaces in the home.
Readers will learn how to make cabinets from plywood, how to make many styles of cabinet door including popular cathedral doors, how to build and install drawers, which hardware to choose, how to make and edge laminate countertops, and how to install the completed results. Includes small projects such as simple kitchen upgrades, plus an appliance garage, a kitchen stool and a freestanding pantry.