"As pandemics can so poignantly highlight, the impacts of global interconnection are undeniable. Moreover, knowledge flows not solely from high- to low-resource settings, as insights from the latter have also proven crucial in medical advances. This collaborative project of the AABB Global Transfusion Forum uses the concepts of contextual impact, interdependence, and transformative learning as foundations for bidirectional benefit. Authors representing more than 25 countries, with more than 75% living and working in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), offer authentic perspectives on current local practices from those with contextual expertise, who are often underrepresented in the literature. These authors-physicians, nurses, medical technologists, and managers/administrators-provide peer-reviewed content for similar professionals, as well as trainees. Beyond its practical value to readers from LMICs, the book will also be useful to those in high-income countries who are open to the innovative potential of sharing ideas and adaptive practices within a global community. A consistent chapter structure includes learning objectives, global comparisons, and considerations for practice on each chapter topic. A broad range of topics from 22 chapters is divided into five sections: 1. History, resolutions, and frameworks. 2. Developing blood systems. 3. Transfusion practices. 4. Transfusion education. 5. Research, ethics, and health policy"--