Hitman: The Ace of Killers
As if Garth Ennis's Preacher series weren't cool enough, Ennis (backed by the tight compositions of John McCrea) mixes it up again with his brilliantly depraved Hitman series. Cleverly written, expertly paced, plenty violent, and wildly funny, this particular arc pulls together issues 15 through 22 of Hitman. The set catches Tommy Monaghan just as he's dodging a beatdown at the hands of Hell-sent, badass Mawzir, a 10-foot-tall skeletal demon with a contract on Monaghan's head and enough ordnance to keep all six of his bony arms blazing through most of the story. A cross between Kurt Russell in Big Trouble in Little China and Chow Yun-Fat, Monaghan yet again bluffs, bumbles, and blasts his way from one frying pan into the next. Check out this installment to see the old gang, the Catwoman (Monaghan improvises a Cat Signal with a dead tabby), an extended appearance by Jason Blood/Etrigan, a "fistful of justice" from Section Eight (including the Dog Welder and the Defenestrator), and--but of course--unapologetically irresponsible amounts of gunfire. --Paul Hughes