Physicians Desk Reference for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supple Ments 2003 (Physicians' Desk Reference (Pdr) for Nonprescription Drugs And)
Here is the most reliable resource on the safety and efficacy of over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements available today.
The 2003 edition offers complete, FDA-approved descriptions of the most commonly used OTC medications, four separate indices and in-depth data on ingredients, indications and drug interactions. It also includes a valuable Companion Drug Index that lists common diseases and frequently encountered side effects, the prescription drugs associated with them, plus OTC products and dosages recommended for symptomatic relief.
A new section with information on nutritional supplements, vitamins and herbal remedies is included. Color photographs of hundreds of OTC drugs are also included for quick identification, all cross referenced to the detailed drug descriptions. Don’t miss out on all the new features—guaranteed to help your patients ... and your practice—in this completely updated volume. And don’t risk basing your recommendations on information that is now out-of-date. Make the 2003 PDR for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements a part of your professional library today!