American Portfolios
The plural title of AMERICAN PORTFOLIOS refers to three Muench portofolios: thirteen black-and-white photographs taken by David Muench between 1953 and 1978; seventy-five color photographs taken by David Muench between 1972 and 1993; and fifty color photographs taken by Marc Muench between 1988 and 1993. This book is at once the definitive career retrospective to date for David Muench and the promising career prospective for Marc Muench. The American states are represented with the following numbers of photographs: California, 40; Arizona, 21; Utah, 15; Alaska, 13; Oregon, 9; Colorado, 6; New Mexico and Tennessee, 4 each; North Carolina, Texas, and Wyoming, 3 each; Florida, Hawaii, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington, 2 each; and Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia, 1 each.