Call Me Princess Volume 1
New from CPM Manga! CPM is proud to present the first graphic novel in its new shojo manga line, the creator-owned CALL ME PRINCESS, by Tomoko Taniguchi. A heart-warming tale of teen romance, Miss Taniguchi's intricate art and true-to-life storytelling pull the reader into the story and won't let you go. Tomoko Taniguchi's work was previously seen in Colleen Doran's A Distant Soil. Remember your first high school love? Everyone does. And Call Me Princess will help bring back memories of those innocent days of dreamy eyes and embarassed blushes in classrooms and corridors. The story is told by Mako, a young freshman, as she is torn between her feelings for her first love, Yo, and newly arrived badboy, Ryu. It's a classic love triangle told from a Japanese perspective, which should make for an interesting experience for U.S. readers. And Miss Taniguchi's elegant style only serves to make this read a visual pleasure. Original story and art by Tomoko Taniguchi. Collects issues 1 to 6 of the series, with a new introduction by Colleen Doran and a new Omake (afterword) by Tomoko Taniguchi.