High School Economics (Focus)
Focus: High School Economics serves to highlight the key economic concepts students need to succeed in the real world. This revised edition features simulations, role plays, small-group discussions, and other active-learning instructional activities to help students explore economic concepts through real-life applications including simulating an oil market, valuing education, and paying at the pump. Covered topics include: economic growth financial institutions intermediaries scarcity and choice supply, demand, price price elasticity standard of living Each lesson features teaching procedures, background information, current data on public policy issues, and assessment activities. An integrated web site provides up-to-date information for teachers and students.
Also Available:
Focus on Economics: Personal Decision Making - ISBN 1561834947
Focus: Globalization - ISBN 1561836354
The Council for Economic Education envisions a world in which people are empowered through economic and financial literacy to make informed and responsible choices throughout their lives as consumers, savers, investors, workers, citizens, and participants in our global economy.
Some of the areas in K-12 education we publish in include:
- Establishing and building credit
- Managing personal finances
- Understanding economics on a local, national, and global level
- Using economics in other subject areas: Social Studies, Geography, History, etc.