Focus: International Economics (Focus) (Focus)
The study of international economic systems teaches global production and competition, exchange rates and issues in international finance, free trade vs. protectionism, and economic development. In 20 lessons, students investigate: Why people and nations do and do not trade Balance of payments Where to locate a factory Foreign currency and exchange rates Whether developing countries should have free trade NAFTA Privatization
Also Available:
Focus: Economic Systems - ISBN
Focus: Globalization - ISBN 1561836354
The Council for Economic Education envisions a world in which people are empowered through economic and financial literacy to make informed and responsible choices throughout their lives as consumers, savers, investors, workers, citizens, and participants in our global economy.
Some of the areas in K-12 education we publish in include:
- Establishing and building credit
- Managing personal finances
- Understanding economics on a local, national, and global level
- Using economics in other subject areas: Social Studies, Geography, History, etc.