Working with Concrete (For Pros By Pros)
Whether you're pouring a concrete walkway or staking out the excavation for a basement foundation, doing the job right demands a thorough knowledge of concrete construction techniques. In Working with Concrete, veteran builder Rick Arnold explains everything from mix characteristics and formwork options to waterproofing details and repair procedures. You'll benefit from Arnold's years as a general contractor, framer, and foundation contractor as he offers time- and money-saving advice that comes from understanding the subject from all angles. Get the rock-solid results youre after with this comprehensive guide to building with concrete.
This book will enable you to:
prepare a site for excavation evaluate soil conditions lay out footings and foundation walls use site-made and manufactured forms install proper reinforcement in footings, walls, and flat work estimate and order ready-mix concrete test and evaluate concrete quality before the pour build walkways, patios, steps, and slabs from start to finish