Taunton's House Check: Finding and Fixing Common House Problems
Bubbling paint. Water dripping from light fixtures. Mysterious smells. Groaning pipes and gurgling tubs. Doors that open themselves. Faucets that spew steam. Your house is trying to tell you something. But to understand what its trying to say and what you should do about it, first you have to learn its language. And thats what House Check is all about.
Its a concise guide to the sights, surfaces, sounds -- and sometimes smells -- of your house. With this guide, you can quickly figure out whats causing those odd symptoms and what, in a nutshell, you should do to set things right. The information in this chart is based on thousands of houses that authors Michael Litchfield and Roger Robinson reviewed -- from Vermont to California.
This easy-to-use flip chart is organized by major sections and systems in the house: roofs, attics, interiors, exteriors, plumbing, electrical, kitchens, baths, and basements. Over 600 symptoms are listed, with causes and solutions for each. The photos aid in the identification of symptoms and the drawings help you understand the underlying structures involved in the problem. With the information in this handy guide, you will be well on your way to solving those elusive house ailments.