Plants of the Bible: And How to Grow Them
Whether you are a veteran gardener looking for new growing horizons or a beginner itching to exercise and cultivate the growing talents you feel within yourself, a garden of biblical plants can be a most rewarding and fulfilling experience.
Combining history with practical gardening information, Plants of the Bible investigates more than forty plants mentioned in the Bible. The author quotes the biblical passage in which each plant appears and then gives easy-to-follow advice on how to grow it in your own house or garden.
The book's emphasis is on flowers, vegetables, and herbs, but trees and fruit are not neglected. In addition, Mr. Swenson describes biblical gardens in both North America and Israel which interested readers can visit. The author also offers tips and suggestions for a child's indoor garden and a list of further reading for those who wish to pursue the study of plants of the Bible.
The result is a book quite unlike any other, filled with practical gardening know-how while reminding the reader of the spiritual dimension of horticulture: "As you sow your seeds and plant your trees, you, too, are a part of the continuing creation of life and beauty. We are all, in fact, gardening with God."