Black Money
In a small northern California town, a government investigator stumbles upon a bank account for which there is no explanation. It is a tiny thread that will ultimately unravel a criminal tapestry of unbelievable audacity, complexity and scope. Black Money takes us inside the vast global electronic web along whose filaments trillions of dollars circulate every day. It shows us how these sums are moved, traced and manipulated - and how billions of illicit dollars are laundered, not merely by shady offshore companies, but by everyday businesses. Black Money takes us into the heart of this pulsing electronic network, and into the brain of a crime-fighting top-secret supercomputer called JEDI. On this invisible battlefield, an unlikely group of heroes confronts a deadly conspiracy ranging from the cocaine fields of Colombia to the corridors of the White House. Packed with action and surprise, Black Money is a technothriller for the on-line age.