The Road to Eden's Ridge
The Road to Eden's Ridge is a love story evocative of The Bridgesof Madison County.
Less than an hour before her wedding, Lindsey Briggs stands in her bedroom ina Maine farmhouse and decides to call off the wedding and pursue her musicaldreams in Nashville, Tennessee. When she sings at the Bluebird Café, she meetsBen McBride, a country-singing legend and old army buddy of her grandfather. Thethreat of falling in love with McBride's young lawyer makes Lindsey flee back toMaine where she learns of the love years earlier between Ben and hergrandmother's sister Lily and the truth about her own past.
The book has been optioned for film by Lindsay Doran, producer of DeadAgain andSense and Sensibility, who says, "If a book issupposed to be a love story, I ask myself if I sob big sobs. When I readTheRoad to Eden's Ridge, I sob big sobs."