Architectural Shades and Shadows
??? student should realize at the outset that in casting shadows on architectural drawings he is dealing with materials of art rather than with materials of mathematics. The shades ajid shadows of architectural objects arc architectural things, not mathematical things. They are architectural entities, having form, mass and proportion just as have other architectural entities. Consequently these masses and shapes of dark must Ix: as carefully considered in the study of design as arc columns or entablatures, or other masses. It is, therefore, of great im]k)rtance to the draftsman or designer that he should lie familiar with the forms of those shadows which arc most common in architectural work, and with the methods most convenient for determining these and shadows in general.
The student is urged, then, to regard the mathematical part of the study of architectural shadows not as its object or its essence, but merely as its means, - having no greater architectural impor
Table of Contents
ARTICLE I- The Point of View; ARTICLE II The Practical Importance of ihc Study-of Shadows 12; ARTICLE III The Importance of the Study of Actual Shadows J S; FIGURE i J4; ARTICLE IV Preliminary Suggestions as lo Solutions of Problems Hereafter Given 17; FIGURE 2 16; F1CURE 3 '«; ARTICLE V The Uses of Conventionnl Shadows 2«; FIGURES 4, 5 anil 6 *>«; ARTICLE VI General Methods of Casting Shadows 23; ARTICLE VII The Method of Oblique Projection 25; FIGURE 7 «; ARTICLE VIII, The Method of Circumscribing Surfaces 27; FIGURE 8 26; ARTICLE IX The Method of Auxiliary Shadows 29; FIGURE 9 2S; ARTICLE X The Slicing Method 3'; FIGURE 10--- 3°; ARTICLE XI, The Application of the Foregoing Methods in Practice 31; ARTICLE XII Preliminary Considerations 33; FIGURES 11, 12 and 13 32; ARTICLE XIII The Shadows of Certain Straight Lines 33; FIGURES 14, '5, 16 and 17 3-t; ARTICLE XIV The Shadows oî Circles 37; FIGURES