Rise'n Shine: the African American Community
African-Americans have been present in Catholic schools since their beginnings in the United States. The six essays in this book examine Catholic education from the perspective of the African-American Catholic. The essays underscore the continued challenge for continuing Catholic schools in the African-American community. They include: (1) an overview of African-American Catholic culture and history, by Dr. Giles A. Conwill; (2) suggestions for transforming the curriculum for inclusion, by Sr. Eva Regina Martin, SSF; (3) a philosophy of black religious pedagogy, by Dr. Joseph A. Brown, SJ; (4) an examination of evangelization and spirituality in the African-American Catholic experience, by Therese Wilson Favors and Beverly A. Carroll; (5) African-American leadership in Catholic education, by Dr. Loretta M. Butler; and (6) descriptions of model schools, by Beverly A. Carroll. References accompany each article. Samples of gospel reflections and accompanying African proverbs are offered in the fourth essay.