Visible Man: A True Story of Post-Racist America
Meet Mitchell "Sam" Brewer. Young. African-American. An ex-Marine with charm and intelligence. Highly valued by his employers in his state job. Yet Sam repeatedly gets into trouble - much of it the kind that lands him in hospitals and police stations. George Gilder, one of the most important sociopolitical authors of our time, brings us a life in which the ultimate trap is not racism, but the very system that's meant to help.
In its title Visible Man pays homage to Ralph Ellison's classic Invisible Man - but also asserts that whatever the problems of young African-American men today, invisibility is no longer among them. From the author's new Introduction, decrying the lack of vision in welfare reform, to the chilling Postscript on the story's protagonist, Visible Man rings even more disturbingly true today than when it was first published.