Bankroll Your Future Retirement With Help from Uncle Sam: How Government Perks and Policies Can Affect Your Income, Your Healthcare, Your Home, and Your Assets
For the first time in paperback, this highly praised guide is now updated with the latest information on federal programs and laws that affect every American's retirement securityfrom the author of The Retirement Catch-Up Guide. Whether you like it or not, Uncle Sam will have an impact on your retirement. To understand how and what to do about it, Hoffman has created an excellent guide to all the pertinent topics: Social Security, Medicare, Long Term Care, Pensions, Nursing Home Care, Job Security/Age Discrimination Laws, Your Retirement Home, Consumer Protection, and Tax Laws. In each area, she clearly covers: What You Need to Know; The Decisions You Need to Make; The Tax Factor; and Where to Find More Information. Written with clarity and care, with simple examples from everyday life and checklists of potential tax savings, this handy paperback won rave reviews when first published in hardcover (under the title Bankroll Your Future).