Your Child at Play: Three to Five Years: Conversation, Creativity, and Learning Letters, Words and Numbers
Here is a wonderful, easy-to-read introduction to theworld of the preschooler, illustrated with more than110 candid photos of real children at play. Children of thisage want to discover how things work, and this book givesyou all sorts of wonderful ways to show them. You'll learnhow to teach the concepts of time and distance throughplay; how to use play-acting, storytelling, drawing andbuilding to clarify the world and its contents; and even howto conduct some exciting scientific experiments. Here arehundreds of play activities that will help your preschoolerexperiment with language and ideas through questions;explore the properties of living and non-living things;develop counting and letter-writing skills; and initiatefriendships outside the family.
Hands-on play activities and topics include: • discoveringhow things work • learning about time and distance• play-acting, storytelling, drawing, and building • athleticfeats and scientific experiments • playing withfriends • reading and writing