Teddy Bear Stories for Grown-Ups
Teddy bears play a part in the lives of innumerable grown-ups. Often, even after a childhood teddy has been worn into a threadbare, shapeless lump, the affection it inspired still remains. There has been a great resurgence of interest in teddy bears both new and old - not just as objects of affection, but also as collector's items. Teddy bear shops have sprung up all over the country and there is even a teddy hospital at The House of Bruin in Loughborough, Leicestershire, where sick teddies can receive expert medical attention. As countless grown-ups know, teddy bears are not just for children.
Teddy bears are the inspiration in this unique and fun collection of stories. With 23 stories in all, readers will find a wonderful variety, from mystery to humor and romance, to some amazing true stories. Read the fascinating story of how Margarete Steiff, a German dressmaker, got into the toy business by mistake. Her nephew decided to make a bear with moveable limbs made out of mohair, this inventing what soon was to be named by Americans the "teddy bear" after Teddy Roosevelt. Another story tells how a lucky teddy bear, unbeknownst to his unfortunate owner, became a survivor in the sinking of the Titanic. Whatever their theme, all the stories acknowledge the very special relationship that exists between a bear and its owner.
Altogether, this is a perfect companion for all who believe that their relationship with teddy bears is too precious to end with childhood.