Smartstart Your Georgia Business
SmartStart leads the reader through the legal and practical considerations of setting up a small business, and contains a long list of up-to-the-minute regulatory requirements that can help you to determine the best structure for your company, find necessary financing, develop a marketing strategy, choose the right insurance, hire and keep loyal employees, and even set up and equip your office efficiently. Small Business Development Centers and entrepreneurial education programs throughout the country currently use and recommend SmartStart books to professionals and students alike.
Just look at what SmartStart Your Georgia Business includes: sample forms, sample business plan, detailed economic and demographic information, and comprehensive guide to money resources.
SmartStart Your Georgia Business is designed to help you: determine if you should operate as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or incorporation, register trademarks and apply for local permits, protect yourself and your business through proper tax planning, anticipate the basic issues of expansion, relocation, and interstate commerce