Proposal Development: How to Respond & Win the Bid (Psi Successful Business Library)
Proposal Development is a complete guide to developing a winning proposal. Learn everything from how to prepare proposal strategies, preliminary planning and in-house evaluation, printing, submission, how to make your presentation, plus the crucial stage of post-proposal follow-up to clinch the deal.
With Proposal Development, you will learn the techniques to determine what the prospect really wants to see and how to avoid last-minute rush and error. You will be able to create illustrations, tables, exhibits, appendices, and boilerplates to explain your ideas. The book will also teach you how to format your proposal using desktop publishing. You will even learn how to construct federal government-style proposals.
This book is ideal for sales representatives and marketing departments, grant writers, small business owners and managers, educators, libraries, business consultants, secretaries, and word processing operators. It is geared toward both novice and senior proposal writers, and contains tips and strategies to help you save time and increase your success rate at winning the bid.