The Public Library Manager's Forms, Policies, and Procedures Handbook
Finally, there is an all-in-one handbook public library managers can use to update policies and procedures, design new forms - or even compile a new manual from scratch. This unique guide includes more than 300 forms, policies and procedures from 114 public libraries with a diverse range of budgets and staff. Each entry features detailed guidance to help you individualize and adapt them for your library. Sample policies, forms, and procedures address Internet filtering, unattended children, books-by-mail, Internet usage, meeting room use and more. A companion CD-ROM contains electronic reproductions of the forms, procedures, and policies (all the ones in the book plus 22 more), which can be used straight from the disk or customized for a specific library. This essential tool will save time - and more importantly - make it unnecessary to reinvent the wheel every time you need to create or revise a policy, form, or procedure.