Graph Paper From Comp/copier
Over 216 graphs to reproduce on your computer printer or copier. Never search for graph paper again! Graphs include Semi-Log, Log-Log, Cross-Section, Probability, Polar-Coordinate, Week, Month, Year, Circular-Percentage, Isometric, Orthographic, Geographic Distribution, Hexagonal (for gaming) or Stock Market. This book will save you time and money.
Features maps, scheduling forms, dot graphs and music staff. Disk includes 175 of the same graphs in Windows®-compatible bit-mapped form that can be used on your computer and printed on ink-jet or laser printers. 32 pages of illustrations and instructions show how to work with graphs.
181 Grids -Cross-Section, inch & metric -Circular Percentage (pie) -Semi-Log -Log-Log -Time Series Arithmetic -Stock Market -Isometric -Isometric-Orthographic -Triangular Coordinate -Polar Coordinate -Probability -Needlework
15 Maps (Geographic Distribution) -World -Western Hemisphere -North America -United States
-Canada -Mexico -British Isles -Australia, and others
8 Data-Collection & Scheduling Forms -1/2 Day by 1/4 Hour -Day by 1/2 Hour -Week by Day -Month by Day Calendar -Month by Day -Year by Week -Year by Month -3 Years by Month 11 Geometric Dot Graphs Music Staff
Easy reproduction.
Easy instructions!