Tarnished Angel
Some angels are not just heavenly beings, they are earthly beings who answer everyday prayers.
"What about the rest of you?" Hazen’s words interrupted Lynda thoughts. With a quick smile Lynda answered, " Yes Poppa, I would love to hear your story. I would really like to know where that angel came from. Come to think of it, I do remember it as a small child."
"Ah, so you do remember it do you?" asked Hazen, a twinkle in his eye. With her fingers Lynda rubbed at a bit of the tarnish that had discolored the angel. It’s tarnished," Lynda whispered. "But it’s just as I remember."
Gently Hazen took the small figure of an angel from Lynda and closely examined it. The silver finish was tarnished and faded, and it looked as if it were worn off in spots. Hazen could still see the smiling features of the face and the arms spread wide as if welcoming someone or something.
This heart-warming Christmas tale will take you deep into the mountains of Idaho during the years of the Great Depression when life was hard and money was scarce. Hazen, who wears a red mackinaw coat, proves to be a real angel—maybe a bit old and tarnished, but an angel nonetheless.