Yup'ik Eskimo Dictionary Second Edition: Volumes 1 and 2
From the back cover: "The Second Edition of the Yup'ik Eskimo Dictionary represents an important new contribution to scholarship on Central Alaskan Yup'ik, which has been conducted by Steven Jacobson and others since the early 1960s. After combing through the work of explorers, missionaries, linguists, and native Yup'ik speakers to extract vocabulary, including word stems, suffixes, and grammatical endings, Jacobson has now expanded his original dictionary to include much new material. Protoforms have been added to entries, along with new dialect information, particularly for Egegik and Nunivak Island. New lexical entries have been designed, new meanings given to previous entries, and sentence examples have been added, incorporating material from Yup'ik language publications that came after the first edition of the dictionary appeared in 1984...... a comprehensive work that covers the entire language and all its dialects. In addition to the main body of the dictionary, additional sections and appendices contain much useful information on Yup'ik spelling and translation, early vocabulary collections made by missionaries and explorers, demonstrative words, and important aspects of traditional Yup'ik culture, including the kayak, dogsled, parka, and old-style dwellings. Volume 1 of 2 (719 pages) covers Introduction and Bases; Volume 2 of 2 (528 pages) covers Postbases, Endings, Enclitics, Appendices, and English-to-Yup'ik Index.