Firefly Planisphere: Latitude 42 Degrees North
A valuable tool for stargazers at all skill and experience levels. A planisphere and sky charts are essential tools for night-sky viewing. Having a reliable planisphere on hand is the best way for stargazers to be sure they do not miss any celestial phenomena, especially the rare ones. On any day of the year, the Firefly Planisphere is the best tool to help a stargazer locate night-sky events quickly. This edition was completely updated and includes planetary tables through 2015. Charted by the month, day, hour and minute, the Firefly Planisphere gives quick help on locating celestial wonders such as: Planets Stars Constellations Globular clusters Nebulas Galaxies Some of the easy-to-use features are: Icons that describe star magnitudes -- the larger the symbol, the brighter the star, which makes it easy to locate specific stars