Southern Africa Map
Product Description
A folded travel and road map in color covering Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa, and portions of Malawi, Zambia, and southern Angola. The map distinguishes international boundaries, provincial boundaries, highways, paved roads, unpaved roads, and tracks. Icons locate international airports, national airports, aerodromes, ports, bus stations, embassies, historic and archeological ruins, forts, bridges, campsites, missions, hostels and other points of interest. Scale 1:2,125,000. The map includes short biographies of important figures and their place in the history of the area as well as many historical footnotes. There are also interesting histories and descriptions of the peoples and places of the region. The legend is in English.
About the Author
ITMB Publishing (International Travel Maps and Books) of Vancouver, Canada, has published detailed reference and travel maps of countries, regions, and cities around the world since 1985. The company's titles include many that are unique or the first of their kind, including the first commercially available travel map of South America.