Wayne Gretzky
Everything You Need to Know About Investing shows the average investor how to avoid the dirtiest tricks of the investment business. Based on his own experiences and observations, Davidson offers over 100 tips on how to navigate the hidden shoals of the investment world. Using case studies, this book provides a simple overview of the avenues of investment advice available to the individual investor, while at the same time pointing out the pitfalls of each one. Tips are provided throughout on how to recognize poor or unethical advisors before harm is done - and how to seek compensation. Nine of the industry`s most common `dirty tricks` are each dealt with in separate chapters. After ten years of a bull stock market, most adult Canadians have had some exposure to the investment markets. There is far too much advice available on how to invest, but until this book, there has been virtually nothing about what to watch out for when they do invest. Everything You Need to Know About Investing offers every investor a better chance to avoid being cheated. Anyone who invests in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds should read this book - particularly if they suspect they have been treated unfairly. (1999)