Metal Canvas: Canadians and World War II Nose Art
Here at last! The first, exclusively Canadian collection of Second World War military aviation nose art. This is an astonishing portrait of the spirit shown by the pilots, flightcrews, and the groundcrews who supported them - pictures in this book speak for themselves. They serve as a bridge across time, back to the psyche and emotions of Canadians at war.
Aircraft nose art evolved from a need for identification into a powerful means of self-expression for pilots and their crews. From Jiggs to Bugs, Willie Wolf to the Fearless Fox, from Fannin' Fanny to Lady Orchid and Windy Lou, these images painted on their aircraft gave airmen a way to show their individuality to the world.
Each photo is identified with a fascinating and informative caption, based on the author's extensive knowledge and research. Also includes a pilot index, identifying most photos.