30 DAYS - Change your habits, change your life Personal Workbook
International bestselling author Marc Reklau presents a hands-on companion to his book 30 Days - change your habits, change your life, which has become a reference for individuals, families, and businesses around the world. 30 DAYS has helped readers find solutions to their personal and professional problems and achieve the life they want. Reklau’s step-by-step approach is explored even more fully in this workbook, which leads readers through the habits that changed so many lives and shows them how to put these ideas into action everyday. This workbook helps readers further understand, appreciate, and internalize the power of Habit. The engaging, in-depth exercises allow readers to get their hands dirty as they develop a philosophy for success, set personal goals, and improve their relationships. This reference offers solutions to both personal and professional problems by working on our habits day by day. An engaging companion to the bestselling book, the 30 Days - change your habits, change your life Personal Workbook will help readers set goals, improve relationships, and create a path to life effectiveness.