Astrology & Your Vital Force: Healing with Cosmic Rays and DNA Resonance
"Astrology & Your Vital Force: Healing with Cosmic Rays and DNA Resonance" is award winning author Hill's eagerly awaited sequel to her popular classic "Medical Astrology, A Guide to Planetary Pathology." Her new, penultimate guide includes traditional, ancient and modern methods for healing the "planetary problems" underlying disease in the astrological birth chart. Hill details gemstone prescriptions, color treatment and water infusion therapy with Sun, Moon and Planetary light. Astonishing scientific studies lend support of these techniques. Hill details "safe surgery dates" and introduces the health implications of "Family DNA Resonance", a radical concept! The reader learns to replenish their "Vital Force" for enhanced well being and increased longevity. Step by step, Hill elucidates the ancient knowledge of subtle cosmic light as received by the physical body (as indicated in the birth chart). This elegantly written work will delight astrologers and alternative health enthusiasts alike! This brilliant and useful book constitutes an alternative medical revelation, providing an essential guide for all searching healers and astrologers.