Samuels Arising: Waking Up to God's Prophetic Call (1)
Millions of modern churchgoers are spiritually asleep. As Christian leaders have compromised the gospel, God's people have fallen prey to lust, divorce, consumerism, false teaching, and more. Strong Christians everywhere wonder if God will turn the tide, while many sleepy churchgoers ask, "can I ever wake up?"In Samuel's day, Israel's spiritual climate had also grown cold. Both priest and people lived in darkness; therefore, "the word of the Lord was rare" (1 Samuel 3:1 ESV). But one night, God awakened young Samuel as he lay by the altar. Breaking heaven's silence, God called Samuel by name, purified his heart, opened his eyes to eternity, and activated his prophetic calling. Then, God used Samuel's prophetic ministry to awaken Israel and restore His glory in the land. As a result, "Israel served the Lord alone!" (1 Samuel 7:4 NASB).In Samuels Arising, former Brownsville Revival School of Ministry president Keith Collins reminds us that Samuel's God is still on the move. As God awakened Samuel, God waits to awaken you from spiritual sleepiness, recover your gospel vision, and ignite your prophetic calling to win the lost and revive the saved! Then, God can use you to turn the tide of compromise in your generation. Through this guide to personal revival, God calls: "Samuels, arise!"